Our projects

प्रथिमिक विद्यालय बचणस्यु

गाँव के विद्यालयों में बहुत कम % बच्चे पढ़ते हैं, और बहुत से बच्चे स्कूल से अनुपस्थित होते हैं। इसके पीछे कई कारण हैं, जैसे कि:

  • परिवार की गरीबी

  • पर्यावरण की कमी

  • प्रतिभा का अनुप्रयोग

  • प्रेरणा का अभाव

  • संस्कारों का कम होना

  • सह-सीखना का महत्व न समझना

Our Aim to develop at least 7 Schools in that area by the end of Dec 2023

We are focused to develop the school and provide the basic infrastructure in the school such as setting up a library, furniture, Water and Electricity.

Tree Plantation in Village

There is a lot of land available in the villages where tree plantations can be made. These trees are primary raw material for the paper and pulp industries.

Poplar trees plantation can become a source of income for villager's hilly reasons

Poplar tree can grow in hilly areas of Uttarakhand

Poplar trees are adaptable and can grow in various habitats, such as forests, wetlands, and urban areas

Poplar trees are also important for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Uttarakhand

Bamboo Trees Plantation in Uttarakhand

Bamboo tree plantation on hilly regions of Uttarakhand is feasible.

Uttarakhand has a moderate resource of bamboos distributed over 1.489 lakh hectare, mostly under the control of forest department

Bamboo trees are also important for livelihood development, conservation, and bio-fuel production in Uttarakhand

Our target is to do bamboo tree plantation in our villages and help them to improve their livelihood.